Golgi-Cox impregnation1, 2 has been one of the best methods for concentrating on both the ordinary and unusual morphology of neurons as well as glia. Utilizing the Golgi procedure, inconspicuous morphological changes in neuronal dendrites and dendritic spines have been found in the minds of creatures treated with drugs as well as in the posthumous cerebrums of patients with neurological diseases3, 4. Notwithstanding, the inconsistency and the tedious course of Golgi staining have been significant impediments to the far reaching use of this procedure.
FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit is planned in light of the guideline of the techniques depicted by Ramón-Moliner2, Glaser and Van der Loos5. This pack has not just decisively improved and worked on the Golgi-Cox method yet has additionally shown to be very dependable and touchy for exhibiting morphological subtleties of neurons and glia, particularly dendritic spines. The FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit has been tried broadly and generally utilized on the minds from a few types of creatures as well as on the examples of after death human cerebrums.
Pack contents
Store at room temperature
Arrangement A 125 ml
Arrangement B 125 ml
Arrangement C 125 ml x 2
Arrangement D 125 ml
Arrangement E 125 ml
Glass Specimen Retriever 2
Normal hair paintbrush 2
Dropping container 1
Client Manual 1
Materials required yet excluded
Twofold refined or deionized water.
Plastic or glass cylinders or vials.
Histological supplies and hardware, including gelatin-covered magnifying instrument slides, coverslips, staining containers, ethanol, xylene or xylene substitutes, resinous mounting medium (for example Permount), and a light magnifying lens.
Security and Handling Precautions
1. FD Rapid GolgiStain pack is made for in vitro research utilize just and not really for drug,
demonstrative or different purposes.
2. The unit contains reagents that are poisonous and destructive in touch with skin or by
inward breath and might be deadly whenever ingested. Don’t pipette by mouth. Stay away from inward breath
also, contact with skin and eyes. In the event of contact, wash quickly with
liberal measures of water and look for clinical guidance. Whenever gulped, wash out
mouth with water and promptly call a doctor.
3. Perform analyze under a synthetic hood. Wear reasonable defensive apparel,
gloves and eye/face assurance while taking care of pack reagents. Wash hands
completely subsequent to playing out the trial.
*Material security information sheet (MSDS) is accessible at www.fdneurotech.com.
Tissue Preparation
• All holders (plastic liked) to be utilized ought to be purged and washed with
refined water.
• Try not to utilize metal carries out at whatever point Solutions An and B are available.
• Keep compartments firmly shut consistently.
• All tissues treated with Solutions An and B, including tissue segments ought to be
shielded from light.
• The accompanying method ought to be performed at room temperature except if
explicitly showed.
1. Trial creatures ought to be profoundly anesthetized prior to killing. The creature
mind (or posthumous human examples) ought to be eliminated from the skull as
rapidly as conceivable however taken care of cautiously to try not to harm or press of the
• Perfusion of creatures and obsession of tissue are excessive.
• Huge mind examples ought to be cut with a sharp cutting edge into squares of
roughly 10 mm thickness.
2. Wash tissue momentarily in twofold refined water to eliminate blood from the surface.
3. Drench tissue in the impregnation arrangement, made by blending equivalent volumes of
Arrangements An and B, and store at room temperature for a very long time in the dark.
Supplant the impregnation arrangement after initial 6 hours of inundation or on following day.
A 2-week impregnation time is acceptable much of the time. Be that as it may, varieties in type
also, real size of tissue might require a more limited or longer length of impregnation to
acquire the best outcomes. The ideal time ought to be gotten by preliminary for each sort of tissue,
be that as it may, 3 weeks is frequently adequate for most tissues. Note that dragging out the impregnation
time might cause vague staining.
• The combination of Solution An and B ought to be ready something like 24 hours preceding use
furthermore, left unstirred.
• It is essential to utilize the top piece of arrangement that is liberated from encourage.
• The impregnation arrangement might be put away at room temperature for as long as multi month in the dim before use.
• Use something like 5 ml of the impregnation answer for each cubic cm of the tissue to be
contemplated (i.e., the volume of the impregnation arrangement ought to be something like multiple times
that of the tissue).
Note, that utilization a lesser volume of impregnation arrangement may
decline the responsiveness and unwavering quality of staining.
Arrangements A (containing potassium dichromate and mercuric chloride) and B (containing
potassium chromate) are harmful in touch with skin and might be lethal whenever gulped. The
investigation ought to be performed under a synthetic hood. Wear reasonable defensive
dress, gloves and eye/face security while dealing with the reagents. Try not to POUR
THE WASTE OF SOLUTIONS An AND B INTO THE SINK. Gather the misuse of these
arrangements in a jug and call your wellbeing office or an authorized proficient garbage removal
administration to discard this material.
FD Rapid GolgiStain™ kit - Solution C |
PK401-C | FD Neurotechnologies | 250 ml | 169.91 EUR |
FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (large) |
PK401 | FD Neurotechnologies | kit | 881.79 EUR |
FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit™ (small) |
PK401A | FD Neurotechnologies | kit | 699.4 EUR |
FD Congo Red Solution™ |
PS108 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 215.47 EUR |
FD Tissue Storage Solution™ |
PC103 | FD Neurotechnologies | 250 ml | 89.86 EUR |
FD Section Storage Solution™ |
PC101 | FD Neurotechnologies | 250 ml | 71.58 EUR |
FD Tissue Cryoprotection Solution™ |
PC102 | FD Neurotechnologies | 250 ml | 71.32 EUR |
FD Luxol Fast Blue Solution™ |
PS109 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 214.35 EUR |
FD Thionin Solution™ (double strength) |
PS101-2 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 144.23 EUR |
FD Thionin Solution™ (regular strength) |
PS101-1 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 118.54 EUR |
FD Hematoxylin Solution™ (double strength) |
PS104-2 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 236.41 EUR |
FD Hematoxylin Solution™ (regular strength) |
PS104-1 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 173.49 EUR |
FD Eosin Y Solution™ (double strength) |
PS103-2 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 136.16 EUR |
FD Azure II Solution™ (double strength) |
PS107-02 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | Ask for price |
FD Azure II Solution™ (double strength) |
PS107-2 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | Ask for price |
FD Eosin Y Solution™ (regular strength) |
PS103-1 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | 98.93 EUR |
FD Azure II Solution™ (regular strength) |
PS107-01 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | Ask for price |
FD Azure II Solution™ (regular strength) |
PS107-1 | FD Neurotechnologies | 500 ml | Ask for price |
4. Move tissue into Solution C and store at 4ºC for no less than 48 hours (up to 1
week) in obscurity. Supplant the arrangement after initial 24 hours of submersion or on
following day.